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CS 451 / 551 Project 1: Object-Oriented Matrix Operations solved

Aims of This Project
The aims of this project are as follows:
To provide experience with writing a non-trivial C program.
To provide familiarity with the tools used to build C programs under Linux.
To get experience with advanced C features.
This project will require you to implement a crude approximation to object-oriented programming in C.
Specifically, you are required to provide alternate implementions of an interface involving some simple
matrix operations, including matrix multiplication:
Abstract Matrix Implementation
This implementation will implement those matrix operations which can be implemented in terms of
other operations without knowledge of the concrete implementation. It will leave unimplemented
those operations which depend on the concrete implementation. Hence this implementation will be
Dense Matrix Implementation
This implementation will store all the matrix entries in contiguous memory locations in normal
row-major order. It will inherit operations from the abstract implementation and implement only the
operations not implemented in the abstract implementation.
Smart Multiplication Matrix Implementation
The classical matrix multiplication algorithm accesses entries in the multiplier by column. This does
not play well with caches as successive entries in a column of a large matrix may well be in different
cache lines. These performance problems can be alleviated by transposing the multiplier before
multiplying and changing the multiplication algorithm to use this transposed matrix suitably. This
implementation will inherit operations from the dense matrix implementation and override only the
matrix multiplication operation.
Note that since the classical matrix multiplication algorithm is O(n^3) and cache sizes of modern
machines are large (the L3-cache may be several mega-bytes). Nevertheless, it is possible to observe
speedups of around 20% on the remote.cs machines for matrices of around 1000x1000.
C11 allows anonymous nested struct’s and union’s. For example, C11 allows:
typedef struct {
 enum { CIRCLE, RECT } type;
 double x, y; //origin
 union { //anonymous union
 struct { //anonymous circle struct
 int radius;
 struct { //anonymous rectangle struct
 int width, height;
} Shape;
Shape shapes[] = {
 { .type = CIRCLE, .x = 10, .y = 10, .radius = 10, },
 { .type = RECT, .x = 100, .y = 10, .width = 10, .height = 5, },
Pre-C11 did not allow anonymous fields and the above struct had to be declared as:
typedef struct {
 enum { CIRCLE, RECT } type;
 double x, y; //origin
 union {
 struct {
 int radius;
 } circle;
 struct {
 int width, height;
 } rect;
 } u;
} Shape;
Shape shapes[] = {
 { .type = CIRCLE, .x = 10, .y = 10, = 10, },
 { .type = RECT, .x = 100, .y = 10, .u.rect.width = 10, .u.rect.height = 5, },
This standard C11 feature allows anonymous fields whose types are defined inline within the struct but not
for types which are defined elsewhere. The project uses a non-standard feature available in current
versions of gcc and clang which allows anonymous fields even for types which are not defined inline. This
feature is triggered using the -fms-extensions command-line option.
This extension is useful to extend types. Consider functions for shapes.
typedef struct {
 double (*area)(const Shape *s);
 double (*perimeter)(const Shape *s);
} ShapeFns;
typedef struct {
 ShapeFns; //anonymous
 double (*radius)(const Shape *s);
} CircleFns;
typedef struct {
 ShapeFns; //anonymous
 double (*width)(const Shape *s);
 double (*height)(const Shape *s);
} RectFns;
RectFns rectFns = { ... };
Shape *rect = ...
double area = rectFns.area(rect); //direct access to ShapeFns field
This feature can be used for extending both interface types (like the above) as well as data types.
Project Specification
The ./files/matrix.h specifies an interface for matrix operations. You will need to provide 3
implementations for this interface:
This file should provide operations which can be implemented in terms of other matrix operations
without knowledge of the concrete matrix class. For example, transpose() can be implemented
using getNRows(), getNCols(), getElement() and setElement(). It should provide
access to a single static copy of the interface using the function getAbstractMatrixFns()
(whose specification is contained in ./files/abstract_matrix.h).
This file should implement a concrete matrix with all entries stored in contiguous memory locations
in row-major order using a flexi-array. It must implement the functions specified in
./files/dense_matrix.h. It must inherit the operations defined in abstract_matrix.c and define
all the missing operations.
All instances of dense-matrix must share the same MatrixFns.
This file should implement a concrete matrix with all entries stored in contiguous memory locations
in row-major order. It must implement the functions specified in ./files/smart_mul_matrix.h. It must
inherit the operations defined in dense_matrix.c but override the mul() operation to use the
transpose of the multiplier matrix in an effort to improve cache performance.
All instances of smart-mul-matrix must share the same MatrixFns.
On completion, your project should link with the provided ./files/main.c to produce a prj1 executable,
which provides the following functionality:
1. Test the mul() and transpose() operations on predefined matrices for multiple combinations of
dense and smart-multiplication matrix implementations.
 ./prj1 --predefined-tests
2. Test the mul() and transpose() operations on random matrices for multiple combinations of
dense and smart-multiplication matrix implementations.
 ./prj1 --random-tests
3. Run performance tests measuring the runtime (in clock ticks) of the mul() operation on random
matrices for multiple combinations of dense and smart-multiplication matrix implementations.
 ./prj1 --perf-matrix-size 1000
All combinations of the above options can be specified. (1) and (2) will terminate silently if all tests are
successful. The tests can be printed out by specifying the --output or -o option. (3) will multiply a
random square matrix of the specified dimension by itself and print out the user and system time in clock
Your executable should not produce any output other than that generated by the provided main.c. In
particular, all debugging statements should be removed or deactivated before project submission.
Provided Files
The ./files directory contains the following:
This makefile provides the following targets:
This will build the prj1 executable.
This will clean out all generated files.
This will build the required prj1.tar.gz archive.
Simply typing make will build the prj1 program, typing make clean will remove all generated
files and typing make submit will create a prj1.tar.gz compressed archive which can be
You may edit this file if you choose to use a different organization for your project. When editing,
watch out for tabs (the first character of any command-line must be a tab character).
A template README; replace the XXX with your name, B-number and email. You may add any
other information you believe is relevant to your project submission.
A main program which allows you to run predefined and random functional tests for the mul() and
transpose() operations, as well as run performance tests for the mul() operation. You should
not change this file.
This file contains test data for the predefined and random tests. It is #include’d by main.c.
Pulling the test data out of main.c makes it easy for the TA to test your code by replacing your
submitted with one containing his tests before compiling your code.
./files/abstract_matrix.h, ./files/dense_matrix.h(./files/smart_mul_matrix.h
Partial specifications for the matrix implementations. These .h header files are complete (but can be
modified by you if necessary).
./files/abstract_matrix.c, ./files/dense_matrix.c, ./files/smart_mul_matrix.c
These .c files are highly incomplete and need to be changed to implement your project. However,
they are complete enough so that you can compile the project as-is and produce an executable
complete enough to provide a usage message.
A log of compiling and running this project.
The cs551 Library
The provided main driver uses some memory allocation and error reporting routines from the cs551
library. You should not need to use this library in your code since the matrix API reports all errors via
error codes. However, you are welcome to use this library if necessary; the specs are in ../../include, the
source code in ../../src/libcs551 and the precompiled library in ../../lib.
The provided Makefile is setup to link with this library.
Since the library is dynamic, the linking happens when (and after) you start your program. Hence when the
program starts up, you need to let the system know where it can find this library. This can be done by
setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environmental variable to contain the directory containing the library.
This should already be setup in your environment.
Please use the command echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH to check whether this environmental variable is
setup properly for you. If not, please use the appropriate command below before running your program.
Under a sh-derived shell like ksh or bash, you would use
 $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/cs551-17s/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
whereas with a csh-based shell like tcsh, the syntax you would use is:
 % setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $HOME/cs551-17s/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
You may choose to follow the following hints (they are not by any means required). They assume that you
are using the project structure supported by the provided Makefile,.
For debugging you can use gdb or a gui frontend ddd. A cruder option is to simply add
fprintf(stderr, ...) statements to your code; a slightly better option is to use the TRACE macro
provided in the cs551 library.
1. Review the OO shapes program discussed in class. Understand the ./files/matrix.h specification for
the matrix operations.
2. Decide which of the matrix operations can be implemented without knowing the concrete details of
the matrix representations. Add these functions to ./files/abstract_matrix.c. Define a static
MatrixFns structure and add to it the functions you implemented. Return this structure via
3. Decide on a representation for your dense matrix (you will need to store the number of rows, number
of columns and the elements; the specs require you to use a flexi-array for the latter).
Implement the operations which were not implemented in abstract_matrix.c. Note that if a
matrix has nCols columns, then the offset of the [i][j]’th entry relative to the start of the
elements memory area is i*nCols + j.
Define a static DenseMatrixFns struct; you can statically initialize this structure to contain the
functions you defined in this file. Unfortunately, since C restricts static initializers to constant data
(not expressions), it is not possible to initialize the operations which are to be inherited from the
abstract matrix implementation. Instead, use a static boolean flag to ensure that this initialization is
performed (using getAbstractMatrixFns()), the first time the newDenseMatrix()
constructor is called.
You can test your code at this point using the provided main.c driver by commenting out the
"smartMulMatrix" line (around line 32) in main.c.
4. Your smart-mul-matrix can use the same representation as your dense-matrix. In fact, it can inherit
everything from dense-matrix except for the mul() implementation which needs to be
reimplemented to use the transpose of the multiplier.
Set up your SmartMulMatrixFns the same way you set up DenseMatrixFns in (3), with the
inheritance from DenseMatrixFns being done the first time the newSmartMulMatrix()
constructor is called.
You should now be able to link and test your program with both concrete matrix implementations.
5. Memory leaks can be a major problem with C programs. This can be avoided by getting into the habit
of using memory debugging tools. One such tool is valgrind; you can run it by simply preceeding the
normal command-line used to run your program with the command valgrind. If the command
reports problems, then it suggests the options you can use to debug the problems further.
6. Test and review your code until it meets all requirements.
You will need to submit a compressed archive file prj1.tar.gz which contains all the files necessary
to build your word-count executable. Additionally, this archive must contain a README file which
should minimally contain your name, email, the status of your project and any other information you
believe is relevant.
If you are using the suggested project structure, then the provided Makefile provides a submit target
which will build the compressed archive for you; simply type make submit.
Note that it is your responsibility to ensure that your submission is complete so that simply typing make
builds the prj1 executable. To test whether your archive is complete, simply unpack it into a empty
directory and see if it builds and runs correctly.
Submit your project using the submission link for this project, under Projects in Blackboard for this