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SOLVED CS 3310 Assignment 1 Balanced Parentheses with Stacks and Queues

Concepts • Linked Lists • Queue • Stack Background Strings from context-free languages are recognized with the use of stack structures. Such languages, as in the set of all finite strings with balanced parentheses can be recognized. It can be determined whether or not a string fits within a particular language. Problem Specification Write a program to read random strings from a user, consisting of any number of “(“ and “)” in any combination, and determine whether they contain balanced parentheses until the user wishes to end the program. A string with balanced parentheses is one where each “(“ is paired with a “)”. For instance, the string “()((()()))” has balanced parentheses, but the strings “(“, “)”, “(()”, “))((” and “()(()))()()” do not have balanced parentheses. Given the data structures from the course material, there are two ways you can implement a technique for checking balanced parentheses. 1. Implement a class that uses a stack to determine if a string has balanced parentheses 2. Implement a class that uses queues to determine if a string has balanced parentheses (Hint: two queues can be used to simulate a stack’s behavior). Instead of using arrays for the underlying structures of stacks and queues, use linked list representations that do not use built-in list classes. The program may be implemented either in Python, Java, or C++. The program implemented in either language MUST be well-commented, i.e. use block comments for describing each method in a class and give some lines of comments to explain statements. Programs with very few comments (as in just commenting on one of two methods only) or no comments at all will receive a small penalty. If you implement the program in Python, you must write a Class Queue, a Class Stack, a Class Node, a Class LinkedList, and a Class StackParenthesesChecker. class Stack(object): __linkedList = … __top = … # constructor for stack class def __init__(self): # code goes here CS 3310 Assignment 1 Balanced Parentheses # push item onto stack def push(self, x): # code goes here # pops item from top of stack def pop(self): # code goes here (should return item from top of stack or None if stack is empty) # returns Boolean of whether stack is currently empty def isEmpty(self): # code goes here # returns Boolean of whether stack is currently full def isFull(self): # code goes here # clears the stack def clear(self): # code goes here # looks at the top item of the stack without removing it def peek(self): # code goes here class Queue(object): __linkedList = … __front = … __rear = … # constructor for Queue class def __init__(self): # code goes her # adds item to front of queue def enqueue(self, x): # code goes here # removes item from rear of queue def dequeue(self): # code goes here (should return item from end of queue or None if queue is empty) # returns Boolean of whether queue is currently empty def isEmpty(self): # code goes here CS 3310   Assignment 1 Balanced Parentheses # returns Boolean of whether queue is currently full def isFull(self): # code goes here # clears the queue def clear(self): # code goes here # looks at the item at the end of the queue without removing it def poll(self): # code goes here class LinkedList(object): __head=None __tail= None __capacity = 0 __size=0 # constructor for LinkedList class def __init__(self): # code goes her # add item x to list at index i def add(self, i, x): # code goes here # remove item at index i from the list def remove(self, i): # code goes here (should return item from list or None if item is not in the list) class Node(object): __data = None __prev = None __next = None # constructor for Node class def __init__(self): # code goes here class StackParenthesesChecker(object): __stack = … # constructor for StackParenthesesChecker class def __init__(self): # code goes here CS 3310  Assignment 1 Balanced Parentheses # Check if string s has balanced parenthesis def isBalanced(self, s): # code goes here class QueueParenthesesChecker(object): __queue1 = … __queue2 = … # constructor for QueueParenthesesChecker class def __init__(self): # code goes here # Check if string s has balanced parenthesis def isBalanced(self, s): # code goes here If you implement the program in Java, the main class should be named “Application” and the following Interfaces must be implemented. public Interface IParenthesesChecker{ // return truth of whether the string s has balanced parentheses boolean isBalanced(String s); } public Interface INode{ // set the data item for the node void setData(T data); // return the data item reference stored in the node T getData(); // set the pointer to the next linked node to this one void setSucc(INode succ); // return the pointer to the next linked node to this one INode getSucc(); } public Interface IList{ // return the pointer to the head node of the list INode getHead(); // set the pointer to the head node of the list void setHead(INode head); // set the pointer to the tail node of the list void setTail(INode tail); // return the pointer to the tail node of the list INode getTail(); // return the number of items in the list int getSize(); CS 3310   Assignment 1 Balanced Parentheses // set the number of items in the list void setSize(int size); // return the max number of items the list can hold int getCapacity(); // set the max number of items the list can hold void setCapacity(int capacity); // return the truth of whether the list is full boolean isFull(); // return the truth of whether the list is empty boolean isEmpty(); // remove item at index i from the list T remove(int i); // add item x to list at index i boolean add(int i, T x); } public Interface IStack{ // set the pointer to the top node of the stack void setTop(INode top); // return the pointer to the head node of the list INode getTop(); // add new item x to the top of the stack boolean push(T x); // remove an item from the top of the stack T pop(); // set the pointer to the list used as the stack void setList(IList list); // return the pointer to the list used as the stack IList getList(); // clear all items from the stack void clear(); // looks at the item at the top of the stack without removal T peek(); } public Interface IQueue{ // set the pointer to the front node of the queue void setFront(INode front); // return the pointer to the front node of the queue INode getFront(); // set the pointer to the rear node of the queue void setRear(INode rear); // return the pointer to the rear node of the queue INode getRear(); // add new item x to the front of the queue boolean enqueue(T x); CS 3310 Assignment 1 Balanced Parentheses // remove an item from the rear of the queue T dequeue(); // set the pointer to the list used as the queue void setList(IList list); // return the pointer to the list used as the stack IList getList(); // clear all items from the queue void clear(); // looks at the item at the rear of the queue without removal T poll(); } For implementing interface INode, the expected implementing class should be a doubly-linked node, as in the Python version. INode provides only the getter method for next. The implemented Node class will also require getters and setters for a prev attribute, and you will need to cast in your linked list implementation to access the method. Just as in the Python version, two ParenthesesChecker implementing classes must be implemented. Setters and getters are not written for stacks or queues in the interface due to that information only being in context of the class. So, when setting the data structures in the main method, class casting must be used as well to connect the queues to QueueParenthesesChecker and the stack with StackParenthesesChecker. Create several string examples to check functionality of your program. Please see Testing Phase below. Implementation Phase You must work on the assignment individually. If any external source code or information from a website is applied to your implementation, you MUST acknowledge the source with comments in your code. Testing Phase In Python: file… # add import statements here def main(): checker1 = StackParenthesesChecker() checker2 = QueueParenthesesChecker() stack = Stack() queue1 = Queue() queue2 = Queue() setAttribute(stack, ‘_Stack__linkedList’, LinkedList()) setAttribute(queue1, ‘_Queue__linkedList’, LinkedList()) CS 3310  Assignment 1 Balanced Parentheses # more setting statements here userString = None # a loop to ask input via console for new string to check with both checkers While user wants to continue program: userString = get user string via console // add more code here to set up checkers and their data structures If checker1.isBalanced(userString) and checker2.isBalanced(userString)): print(‘The input string %s has balanced parentheses.’, userString) Else: print(‘The input string %s does not have balanced parentheses.’, userString) # get user continuation of program via console If name == ‘__main__’: main() In Java: Public static void main(String[] args){ IParenthesesChecker checker1 = new StackParenthesesChecker(); IParenthesesChecker checker1 = new QueueParenthesesChecker(); IStack stack = new Stack(); IQueue queue1 = new Queue(); IQueue queue2 = new Queue(); String userInput = null; stack.setList(new LinkedList()); //more setting statements here //get user input for continuing program from console While(user wants to continue program){ userString = get user string via console // add more code here to set up checkers and their data structures //note, this is in partial pseudocode, not complete Java syntax If (checker1.isBalanced(userString) and checker2.isBalanced(userString)){ print(“The input string “ + userString+ “ has balanced parentheses.”); }Else{ print(“The input string “ + userString+ “ does not have balanced parentheses.”); } // get user continuation of program via console } } CS 3310   Assignment 1 Balanced Parentheses Expected Output: Accurate determination of balanced parentheses in input strings, for both string checking techniques. The if-statement where the methods are called for checking balance determines whether checks for both techniques are equivalent. Assignment Submission • Submit a .zip file with all your source, input, and output files to the dropbox designated for Assignment 1 in E-learning.