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SOLVED CS412 PS2: Simple Node App

 Requirements 1. Build a Node/Express application. The app must have: a. An instance of express.Router in a separate route le that is mounted on the path /ps3 (i.e. app.use(‘/ps3’…)). If you are using express-generator or Webstorm to set up an empty project, you’ll nd example routes in the /routes folder. Probably the easiest approach is to modify one of those les, just be sure to mount it in a different spot. b. A route using the GET method that returns a xed string, which can be anything that you like. The response should be a JSON object with one key/value pair, such as {string: ‘Hey now’}, passed into a Pug template for rendering. Your Pug page design is up to you, I would suggest keeping it really simple. Use the same template for all three problems -- Pug provides conditional statements to hide/show values. c. A route using the POST method that returns a similar response as b. above but gets its parameter from the request body rather than the URL string. (To test this from Postman, select POST as the method, then click the Body tab. Your input parameter should be an x-www-form-urlencoded string.) The response should be a JSON object with two key/value pairs, one for the original string and the second for the length. Pass the object into a Pug template for rendering. d. A route using the GET method that reads its input parameter as a named value on the URL, for example http://localhost:3000/names/Bob, where Bob is the param. Grab the param and pass it in a JSON object to Pug for rendering (you should be able to use the same template as in c.). 2. To submit your assignment, drag-and-drop the following les from your project into Gradescope: - app.js - your Pug template(s) - the route le holding your routes (ps3.js)