For this project, you will create a version of the classic game, Minesweeper. Minesweeper is a singleplayer puzzle game that has been around since the 1960s. The goal of the game is to clear a rectangular
board containing hidden “mines” without detonating any of them. To help you avoid the mines, the
game shows you the number of mines that are adjacent to each square. You can use this information to
deduce the location of mines and avoid them.
If you’ve never played the game before, you can find several playable versions of this online:
• http://minesweeperonline.com/
• http://www.freeminesweeper.org/minecore.html
Your final version will look something like this:
Figure 1.1: An example of what your final version will look like.
To create this project, you are going to use SFML (the Simple and Fast Multimedia Library) to do
the work of drawing images to the screen and getting mouse input, while you will be responsible for
everything else.
2 Minesweeper
The rules of the game are as follows:
• There exists a board, which contains a grid of spaces. A space could be a mine, or not. The player
clicks on a space, and it gets revealed. The goal of the game is to reveal all the spaces that are not
mines, while avoiding the spaces that are.
• When a space is revealed:
– If it’s a mine, the game ends
– If it’s not a mine, it shows the number of mines adjacent to that space (anywhere from 0 to
8, with 0 just showing as an empty space)
• If a space has no adjacent mines, all non-mine spaces adjacent to it are also revealed. The player
uses the numbers as clues to figure out where other mines may be located. When all of the non-mine
spaces have been revealed, the player wins!
3.1 About
The library you will use in this project is SFML, the Simple Fast Multimedia Library. SFML is a crossplatform library written in C++ with bindings available for many other languages. It provides a simple
interface for drawing images to the screen, playing sounds, and getting input from the user.
Your first step is to compile an application using the library. Building an application using an external
library can be difficult, but it’s something that you typically only have to do once at the start of a project,
and then you’re good to go until that project is complete.
3.2 Setup
If you are using CLion, setting SFML can be done by configuring the CMakeLists.txt in your CLion
project. You can find the CMakeLists.txt file here.
Alex Johnson, a peer mentor for this course, has created a walkthrough video showing how to install
SFML on CLion with this method, available here. The video walks you through the following steps:
1. Copy the CMakeLists.txt from the link above and paste it into your project.
2. In the file, replace any instances of CMakeSFMLProject with the name of your project (which
you chose when starting your project in CLion). You can find the name in the solution/file explorer
to the left side of your screen.
3. In the call to add_executable, add in any project files you wish to compile when building your
4. If you are using a M-series Mac computer (M1, M2, etc.), set your compiler to the Clang compiler.
You can find this setting in "Build, Execution, Deployment" → "Toolchains" in the CLion settings.
Set your C++ compiler to Clang.
3.2.1 Alternate Setup
If you wish to install SFML manually on your computer, or you are not using CLion to develop your
project, you can follow the steps below.
You want to download the appropriate version for the IDE or compiler that you are using. You can
visit the Download page on the SFML website and choose the version of SFML that works for your
development setup.
If you’re working with Visual Studio or CLion, we also recommend watching these tutorials, as they
may speed up the process of setting up your project:
• Visual Studio 2019: YouTube Video: "best way to setup SFML in Visual Studio 2019"
• Visual Studio 2022: YouTube Video: "OpenGL SFML Visual Studio 2022 Installation"
• Command line via g++: Install SFML using brew install sfml. Then use the Makefile
linked in Listing A.1.
When you install SFML, you may need to install or update other developer tools that allow SFML
to work on your computer.
3.3 Introduction to SFML
There are many guides and tutorials on how to use SFML, but the key features that you will be utilizing
for this project are concepts like sf::Font, sf::Text, sf::Sprite, sf::Texture, etc. All these concepts will be
discussed in the later sections wherever they are being used.
This document will not replicate the wealth of information already out there about this library.
The Tutorials page on the SFML website has several great tutorials on the various parts of SFML. We
recommend reading (or at least, skimming) the following tutorials:
• Opening and managing a SFML window: Explains how to open and manage the state of a window,
where all of your sprites will be drawn.
• Events explained: Explains events that are sent when the user interacts with your window, and
how you should respond to them.
• Sprites and textures: Explains sprites, or the objects in your window.
• Texts and fonts: Explains how to write text in your window, and how to work with fonts.
Anything beyond that will not be applicable for this project (networking, audio, etc. will not be
used). Everything you see on the screen (each tile, number, button, etc.) will be created and drawn
the same way: load a texture, create one or more sprites from that texture, and then draw them to the
screen, or if it’s a text, we load a font once, and then create a Text object, set its size and display it at
a certain position.
4 Windows
In this project, you will be working on three different windows: the welcome window, the game window,
and the leaderboard window. A window in SFML is a graphical window that displays graphics and
allows user interaction in a computer program.
We use the sf::RenderWindow to create a new object of the type render window. It is a subclass of
sf::Window that provides a 2D rendering context. It allows you to draw graphics and handle user input
events, such as mouse clicks and keyboard presses, using the SFML graphics module. It is a fundamental
class for creating 2D games and interactive applications using SFML.
All the windows you will be creating will have fixed dimensions and cannot be resized. Here’s how
you can create a simple sf::RenderWindow of size 800x600 pixels with the title "SFML Window" and
the resize option disabled.
1 sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(800, 600), "SFML window", sf::Style::Close);
For all three windows, you will be setting their width and height according to the guidelines. Each
of the three values below will be configured by in a local file named config.cfg. There are three lines
representing the number of columns, the number of rows, and the number of mines, respectively. You
can find more information about the config file in subsection 6.5.
Window Background Color Height (px) Width (px)
Welcome Window Blue (rowCount × 32) + 100 (colCount × 32)
Game Window White (rowCount × 32) + 100 (colCount × 32)
Leaderboard Window Blue (rowCount × 16) + 50 (colCount × 16)
Table 4.1: Characteristics of Different Windows in the Game
5 Welcome Window
5.1 Objective
This will be the first thing the player should see when you run the game. It will prompt the user for
their name. The user will type their name using the keyboard as input.
5.2 Behavior and Validation 5 WELCOME WINDOW
Figure 5.1: Example of the welcome window.
5.2 Behavior and Validation
In your window, you will need to implement the following behavior. Some of the behavior is meant
to validate the user’s name, and other behavior focuses on the interaction of the different windows to
provide a great user experience.
• The user cannot enter more than 10 characters while typing their name.
• The user has to see the characters as they type and pressing backspace should remove the last
• You should also display a cursor indicator ’|’ as the user types in their name. This cursor is just
to indicate where the text is being typed. You don’t have to implement any blinking effect or use
arrow keys to navigate between the text as this is not an actual cursor. But you can implement
these features if you want to.
• The characters should only contain alphabetical characters (letters A through Z). So when a user
types a number/special character, you shouldn’t read it.
• No matter how the user enters their name, you should capitalize the first letter and set the other
letters to lowercase. This correction should be visible as the user types not just when you are about
to store the name. Here are some examples:
– alex → Alex
– bRUCe → Bruce
– Cameron → Cameron
• When the user presses the Enter key, this window should close and the game window should open
if at least one character has been input. Otherwise, the Enter key should not do anything.
• If the user manually closes this window (via pressing the X button, for example), the program
should stop executing, and the game window should not load.
• You will be using certain SFML libraries for displaying text which will be discussed later in the
next section.
5.3 Helpful Classes and Functions 6 GAME WINDOW
5.3 Helpful Classes and Functions
Here are some helpful classes and functions you can use in this step:
Class/Function Description
sf::Font Loads and manages fonts for text rendering.
sf::Text Displays and styles text (position, size, font, style).
sf::Rect Defines a rectangle with floating-point dimensions, useful for positioning and
bounding box calculations.
sf::Color Manages RGBA colors for graphics elements.
sf::Vector2 Represents a 2D vector, used for positions and sizes.
sf::Keyboard Handles keyboard input, like key presses.
std::tolower() Converts characters to lower case.
std::toupper() Converts characters to upper case.
std::isalpha() Checks if a character is alphabetic.
sf::Event Represents and handles user/system events (e.g., key presses, mouse clicks).
Table 5.1: List of helpful classes and functions for the welcome window.
5.4 Additional Notes
The Welcome window will have the same width and height as the Game Window. The specific guidelines regarding the dimensions can be found in the subsection 6.5. The font you are going to use is
files/font.ttf. Here are some details regarding the components you will be displaying in this
window as shown in Figure 5.1:
Text Object Bold Underlined Color Size Position
"WELCOME TO MINESWEEPER!" Yes Yes White 24 px width
− 150
"Enter your name:" Yes White 20 px width
− 75
User-typed name Yes Yellow 18 px width
− 45
Table 5.2: Properties of Text Elements in the Welcome Window
Note: All text needs to be aligned to the center. By default, sf::Text objects have their origins
located in the top left corner. You can use the code below to shift the origin to the center and set the
text location to position (x, y).
Listing 5.1: Example of using the setText function.
1 void setText(sf::Text &text, float x, float y){
2 sf::FloatRect textRect = text.getLocalBounds();
3 text.setOrigin(textRect.left + textRect.width/2.0f,
4 textRect.top + textRect.height/2.0f);
5 text.setPosition(sf::Vector2f(x, y));
6 }
6 Game Window
6.1 Objective
This is where you would actually implement the minesweeper game as shown in Figure 6.3. The rules of
the game are outlined in section 2.
6.2 Images 6 GAME WINDOW
Figure 6.1: Example of the Game Window; Left: The window when the game just
starts; Right: The window during the gameplay
6.2 Images
All the images shown below are available inside the files/images folder.
First, let’s take a look at all the images you’ll need to make your game:
Icon Filename Description
mine.png The star of the game (although if you play properly, you’ll never see one!)
tile_hidden.png What all tiles look like before they are clicked/revealed
tile_revealed.png A revealed tile with no adjacent mines
number_#.png Tiles with the numbers 1-8 on them (replace # with the appropriate
number). Used for tiles that have 1-8 adjacent mines
Table 6.1: Description of Game Images
Now, let’s take a look at all the images you’ll need to make the user controls for your game:
6.3 Features 6 GAME WINDOW
Icon Filename Description
face_happy.png Click this button to reset the map. New mines, everything hidden, it’s like you restart the program.)
face_win.png Victory!
face_lose.png The opposite of Victory! (It’s cool, no smiley faces were harmed
during the creation of this project)
Used for the digits on the “remaining mines” display and the
You can use this one texture for all the numbers, and change
the “Texture Rect” of a sprite to draw a different portion of the
The size of each digit (and the size of the "Texture Rect" you
should use) is 21 x 32 pixels, and each digit would be offset by
21 (the width) times the digit you wanted. You can do this by
using sf::IntRect.
graphics-sprite.php for more information.
debug.png Used to toggle debug mode
pause.png Used to pause the game.
play.png Used to play the game when it’s paused.
leaderboard.png Used to launch the leaderboard window.
Table 6.2: Description of UI Images
6.3 Features
There are many things to do in this window. But we can break them down into the following components:
• Tiles: By default all tiles use the tile_hidden.png sprite. A tile can be left-clicked to reveal it,
or right-clicked to place a flag/remove a flag that’s already placed. The flag.png will be placed
on top of the tile_hidden.png sprite, while the tile_revealed.png sprite is displayed when
the tile is left-clicked.
Depending on the following conditions, you should display another sprite on top of the revealed
tile sprite:
– If the tile has a mine, draw the mine.png sprite. Then you reveal all the tiles with mines
and end the game. If there’s a flag on a tile, then you need to draw the mine sprite on top of
it i.e., the flag sprite stays in the background while the mine sprite is drawn in the foreground.
– For tiles that have no mines, check all its neighbors for the number of mines around them and
display this value using the number_#.png sprite.
– When the revealed tile has no adjacent mines, you will just display a revealed tile and all
non-mine tiles surrounding it will be revealed. This happens recursively.
– When all non-mine tiles are revealed, the player wins. So you MUST place flags on top of all
tiles with mines.
• Happy Face Button: This button lets you restart a new board with everything reset and mines
randomized at any point in time. It also has two additional functions: the sprite changes to
face_win.png when the player wins, and to face_lose.png when the player loses.
• Counter: Helps to track the number of mines that are on the board. Every time the player places
a flag, the counter goes down by one. Every time they remove a flag, the counter goes up by one.
The counter CAN go negative!
• Debug Button: Clicking this button will toggle the visibility of the mines on the board. Use this
to help you test/debug various features of the game. Having to play the game properly each time
you want to test something is very time-consuming. Creating these developer shortcuts helps speed
up the development process. The debug button shouldn’t work when the game ends (victory/loss).
6.3 Features 6 GAME WINDOW
• Pause/Play Button: Pauses or Plays the game. All functionality except the Happy Face button
and Leaderboard button should be disabled. All tiles (regardless of debug mode status) should
display tile_revealed.png sprite. The sprites for this button switch from pause.png to
play.png and vice-versa depending on whether the game is paused or not. The timer will also
stop when the pause button is pressed, and it will start again when the play button is pressed.
The tiles must go back to their previous states once play is pressed. The pause/play button won’t
work when the game ends (victory/loss).
• Leaderboard Button: Will pause the game, and all tiles (regardless of debug mode status) should
display tile_revealed.png sprite and display the leaderboard window. During this stage, the
game window shouldn’t be interactive, and the timer should stop. When the leaderboard window
is closed, all tiles go back to their previous states, and the timer resumes. Note that if the pause
button is pressed before the leaderboard button, then closing the leaderboard button should not
resume the game.
• Timer: Displays the amount of time that has passed since the beginning of the game.
Figure 6.2: Example of the Debug button functionality; Left: Before pressing debug
button; Right: After pressing debug button;
Figure 6.3: Example of the Paused Game Window; Left: The window when the
pause button is pressed; Right: The window when the leaderboard button is
pressed; (Even when debug mode is active, all tiles should display
tile_revealed.png sprite)
6.4 Related Concepts 6 GAME WINDOW
Figure 6.4: Example of the Victory Condition; Left: The leaderboard window pops
up when the game is won; Right: The game board after the victory condition is met;
Note: This is a 25x16 board and has 25 mines!
6.4 Related Concepts
Here are some of the concepts you will be using for this window:
Class/Function Description
It is a part of the C++ standard library that provides support for date and time
manipulation, including clocks, timers, time points, and durations. You will use
this for implementing the timer functionality.
• chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() is a C++ function that returns the
current time point of the high-resolution clock.
• chrono::duration_cast is a C++ function that converts a duration value
from one unit to another, using the rules of the specified duration type. It
allows you to convert between different time units, such as seconds, milliseconds, and microseconds, with precision and type safety.
It is an object that represents an image loaded into memory and allows you to
create sprites that display the image. It is a fundamental class for working with
graphics in SFML.
It is a 2D object that displays a texture or a portion of a texture on the screen.
It allows you to manipulate the position, scale, and rotation of the texture and is
commonly used to display game characters and objects.
It is a simple rectangle class that represents a rectangular area of pixels, defined
by its top-left corner and its width and height in pixels. It is often used to specify
a portion of a texture that should be displayed by a sprite.
sf::Vector2 It is a class in SFML that represents a 2D vector with floating-point coordinates.
sf::Mouse It is a static class that provides access to the current state of the mouse, such as
its position, buttons, and wheel and is used to handle mouse input.
It is an SFML data structure that represents user or system events, like mouse
clicks or key presses, and enables you to handle them in your program. You will
be using events like "sf::Event::Closed" and "sf::Event::MouseButtonPressed".
Table 6.3: Related concepts for the game window.
6.5 Additional Notes 6 GAME WINDOW
6.5 Additional Notes
6.5.1 Config File
First, you will be working on creating the board. For that, you will be reading a text document
files/config.cfg. There are three lines representing the number of columns, the number of rows,
and the number of mines, respectively. You read these values and create a board of the given dimensions.
These values will not be changed during a game. Also, the dimensions will never be less than 22 columns
x 16 rows, so that all the menu buttons will be able to fit with the face-centered and the buttons space
correctly. The number of mines will be a valid number less than or equal to the number of tiles. We will
provide an example, but we will test with different values. Feel free to modify the config file to test out
things. For example, setting the "mine count" value to 1 in the config file will make it really easy to test.
Listing 6.1: Example config file.
1 25
2 16
3 50
For example, if your game was given the config file in Listing 6.1, then the width of the welcome and
game window is 25 × 32 = 800, the height is (16 × 32) + 100 = 612, mine count is 50, and the tile count
is 25 × 16 = 400.
6.5.2 Buttons
A button is just an image that you can click on to make something happen. A more complex UI system
would use an event/messaging system, but on a basic level you just need a sf::Sprite to represent
the button, and every time the player clicks on something, you need to check if that mouse click occurred
inside the boundaries of the sf::Sprite you’re using as the button.
If you’re drawing a sprite somewhere, you know its position (it’s 0, 0 by default, or whatever you set it
to). You can get the width/height of the sprite through its textureRect, and then it’s just a matter
of checking if the mouse position is inside that box.
6.5.3 Mouse Interactions
The application can do “nothing” until the user clicks their mouse. Typically, games and many other
applications clear/redraw the screen regularly (often dozens of times a second). Until the player clicks
the mouse somewhere in the window, the program will appear to just sit there, idle. You won’t see
anything moving other than the timer.
Once the player has clicked, however (you can check for this in the event loop), you then need to do
some checks about that click.
6.5.4 Adjacent Mines and Tiles
To calculate the number of nearby mines, as well as when revealing tiles, each tile should store a list of
neighboring tiles. A tile could have UP TO 8 neighbors. An easy way to do this is with pointers. Since
the number is a variable, a dynamically sized container would be perfect for this. You could also use a
fixed-length array since no tile will ever have more than 8 neighbors.
• vector adjacent tiles; // Store each tile near us, the size() of each vector will vary.
• Tile* neighbors[8]; // Always 8 pointers, some of which might be nullptr.
6.5.5 UI Locations
Here is a table with all positions for the buttons and other UI components. Use these values as they
have been tested to work on all board dimensions.
Component Position
Happy Face Button
number of columns
× 32
− 32, 32 × (number of rows + 0.5)
Debug Button (number of columns × 32) − 304, 32 × (number of rows + 0.5)
Pause/Play Button (number of columns × 32) − 240, 32 × (number of rows + 0.5)
Leaderboard Button (number of columns × 32) − 176, 32 × (number of rows + 0.5)
Start drawing the digits from (33, 32 × (number of rows + 0.5) + 16). For
a negative counter, draw the ’-’ sprite in digits.png at location (12, 32 ×
(number of rows + 0.5) + 16). All digits are 21px wide, draw the next digit
sprite after 21px.
Timer (Minutes) Start drawing two digits from ((number of columns × 32) − 97, 32 × (number of rows + 0.5) + 16)Timer (Seconds)
Start drawing two digits from ((number of columns × 32) − 54, 32 × (number of rows + 0.5) + 16)All digits are 21px wide, draw the next digit sprite after 21px.
Table 6.4: Positioning of Various Components
7 Leaderboard Window
7.1 Objective
The Leaderboard window, appearing when the "Leaderboard" button is clicked or after a game victory,
displays the top player scores. This window fetches data from the leaderboard.txt file, listing
players’ names and their scores in a formatted manner. The file contains a list of comma-separated
values: the first value contains the user’s play time, and the second contains their name.
Listing 7.1: The default configuration of leaderboard.txt you are provided with.
1 07:01,Alex
2 09:04,Bruce
3 10:03,Carl
4 11:24,Daniel
5 12:15,Eve
You need to read the leaderboard.txt file and display its contents according to the format shown
in Figure 7.1. Do note that you will be also printing the ranks on the left-hand side as shown in the
7.2 Behavior
Your window should have the following behavior:
• If the player clicked on the "Leaderboard" button, all you have to do is display the contents of the
• If the player just won, you need to check if their time beat any other time in the list. If so, you
will need to insert the player details (name and time) into the leaderboard. Indicate this change
by displaying the new entry with an asterisk (*) after the player’s name. You also need to update
leaderboard.txt with the new record. Remember to only keep the top five players.
• When the leaderboard window is open, it appears just above the actual game window.
• If the leaderboard window is open, you cannot interact with the game window.
• Unlike in other games, the ranking system here is independent of the number of rows, columns, and
mines. No matter how you modify the config file, you can update the same leaderboard.txt
7.3 Related Concepts 7 LEADERBOARD WINDOW
Figure 7.1: Example of the Leaderboard Window.
Left: The window when the player clicks the leaderboard button
Right: The window when the player overtakes someone, after winning the game.
7.3 Related Concepts
Here are some of the concepts you will be using for this window:
Class/Function Description
sf::Font You will need to load a font before you can display text.
sf::Text This will be used to draw text onto the screen. It will allow you to change a lot
of things like the text position, size, style (bold/underlined/italic), etc.
It is a simple class that represents an RGBA color. It allows you to define colors
for drawing shapes, sprites, and text in your SFML application. You will mainly
use this to set the text and background color.
It is a class in SFML that represents a rectangular area with floating-point coordinates, defined by its top-left corner and its width and height in pixels. You
can use this to store the local bounds of a sf::Text, which is helpful in setting the
text to the center.
sf::Vector2 It is a class in SFML that represents a 2D vector with floating-point coordinates.
It is an SFML data structure that represents user or system events, like mouse
clicks or key presses, and enables you to handle them in your program. You will
be using events like "sf::Event::Closed".
File I/O
In C++, file I/O operations are performed using the standard library classes
and functions, such as std::fstream and std::ifstream for reading from files, and
std::ofstream for writing to files.
std::ostringstream Allows you to read and write formatted data to and from strings.
substr() is a member function of the std::string class that allows you to extract a
substring from a string, defined by a starting index and a length or by a starting
index and an ending index.
Table 7.1: SFML concepts you will be using for the Leaderboard Window.
7.4 Formatting and Output
When displaying text in the leaderboard window, you should continue to use the same font family
provided to you (ie, files/font.tff). Table 7.2 has some more necessary characteristics of the text
you will be displaying.
Text Object Bold Underlined Color Size Position
"LEADERBOARD" Yes Yes White 20px width
− 120
Content of leaderboard.txt Yes White 18px width
+ 20
Table 7.2: Properties of Text Elements in the Leaderboard Display
It is recommended to store all the rows in a string where each entry is separated by two new line
characters (\n\n). Also, you can separate each value in a row with a tab character (\t). Once you have
your string, you can proceed with making your sf::Text instance. As in earlier sections, remember to
use the setText() method given to you in Listing 5.1 to ensure the text is center-aligned.
8 Implementation Tips
8.1 Storing Resources
While a program is running, it needs RESOURCES to get the job done—things like icons, textures,
sound files, etc. Many of the resources need to be stored for long-term use, as they may be called upon
time and time again. . . but you don’t always know when they’ll be needed when you compile your code.
A great storage container for assets that you want to reference by name is the map<>. Storing
something that you can access by its name with a container[“NameOfAsset”] is vastly preferable to that
of dealing with arrays—was “GameOver.png” stored in an array[25], or array[26]?
You may find it helpful to create a single storage container for all of the sf::Texture objects and
then pass that around to any class which might need those files.
8.2 Global Variables
In this project, you should not, under any circumstances, attempt to use sf::Texture and sf::Font
objects in global space. Globals in general should be avoided, but if you try to load a sf::Texture/sf::Font
in global space it may be initialized before other parts of SFML are initialized, causing it to crash before
main() even starts. To make matters worse, this problem might not occur on your machine, but it could
be on someone else’s (i.e. the person grading your project).
8.3 Paths
Here’s the "files" folder structure you will be provided with:
Figure 8.1: The appropriate tree structure for your files.
In this project, any operations involving files (loading textures and boards) should use relative paths,
not absolute paths. Your code should be based on the folder structure shown above. When you load a
texture, it should be from the images folder, like “files/images/mine.png”, and when you load the config
file, it should be from files/config.cfg.
8.4 Managing Textures 9 MILESTONES
Be sure to use forward slashes in your paths for compatibility.
For example:
• “files\\images\\mine.png” – this will work on Windows, but not elsewhere. Don’t use this.
• “files/images/mine.png” – this will work everywhere. Do use this!
8.4 Managing Textures
Textures need to be kept alive in some sort of data structure to ensure that their memory isn’t deleted.
Because sprites just store a pointer to a texture, if the texture falls out of scope, its memory will
be erased and the sprite will appear as a white square.
Therefore, it’s recommended to develop a class or data structure to manage your textures. This
class would store dynamic memory for each texture so that you can quickly access it throughout your
program. You can store these textures in a map, where the name of the file will lead to the appropriate
SFML texture.
8.5 Code Structure
With larger programs, you can accomplish the goal in any number of ways. There isn’t a single way
to write this that works better than all others. From the outside perspective (i.e., that of a player),
your application needs to DO various things. HOW you choose to accomplish those things is up to
you. If you want to write a single, gigantic main() function, you are free to do so—that approach is not
recommended, however. A few suggestions:
• A class to represent the board. This represents the core data object in the game.
• A class for tiles. The board is made up of a whole lot of these things. Each one of these can be a
mine, have a flag, some number of adjacent tiles/mines, etc.
• You can have a separate Texture Manager class for loading textures and getting them at any point
in time.
• Many programs (games or otherwise) do the same things over and over again while the application
is running. The ability to easily (in code) reset everything is critical. Think about what sorts of
helper functions you might want to make that happen. Things like:
– Restarting the board.
– Setting or clearing tiles of flags.
– Setting or clearing mines (singly or in large quantities).
– Recalculating the number of adjacent mines, etc.
• Separate classes for the implementation of the Welcome window and the Leaderboard window.
9 Milestones
In order to space out your progress for this assignment, you will be required to complete a series of
milestones. These milestones will be checked by your peer mentor. You will be required to show your
peer mentor your progress on the milestones during your weekly meeting. You will not be required to
submit anything to Gradescope for these milestones.
! Milestones are not optional or extra credit. You must complete the specified milestone by the
specified date, or you will be unable to earn a portion of the points for this project.
9.1 Milestone 1: Due April 12 (5 points) 9 MILESTONES
9.1 Milestone 1: Due April 12 (5 points)
For this milestone, you must show your peer mentor that you have installed SFML successfully on your
own machine. You can submit an image of the circle and your code side-by-side to Canvas to earn 5
points for this milestone.
In order for you to generate the window shown in 9.1, run the code in Listing 9.1 (from the SFML
Listing 9.1: Code to demonstrate that SFML is installed correctly.
1 #include
2 #include
3 int main()
4 {
5 sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(200, 200), "SFML works!");
6 sf::CircleShape shape(100.f);
7 shape.setFillColor(sf::Color::Red);
9 while (window.isOpen())
10 {
11 sf::Event event;
12 while (window.pollEvent(event))
13 {
14 if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed)
15 window.close();
16 }
18 window.clear();
19 window.draw(shape);
20 window.display();
21 }
23 return 0;
24 }
You should see a big red circle appear in your IDE, as shown in Figure 9.1.
Figure 9.1: Milestone 1
9.2 Milestone 2: Due April 19 (15 points)
You will have until April 19 at 11:59 pm to show your peer mentor that you have already implemented
at least one of the following behaviors from the following table. This submission can be made through
Canvas via submitting a video showing your code and the behavior you have implemented.
9.3 Milestone 3: Due April 24 (130 points) 9 MILESTONES
Window Necessary Implementation
Welcome Window
• Player can enter a name up to 10 characters (alphabet only, no numbers/special characters).
• Characters appear as typed; backspace removes the last character.
• Cursor is visible.
• Names are formatted correctly.
• Pressing "enter" closes the welcome window and launches the game
• Closing the welcome window prevents the game window from opening.
• The "enter" key has no effect if no characters are entered.
Game Window
• All tiles on the board are visually discernible.
• Tile number and dimensions change according to the configuration file.
• At least one tile shows correct functionality:
1. Clicking a number tile reveals the number.
2. Right-clicking a tile sets a flag.
3. Right-clicking a flagged tile removes the flag.
Game Window
• Tiles can be visually seen and revealed.
• Mines are randomly assigned to tiles.
• At least two buttons (debug and face) are implemented, including the
restart game function.
Game Window
• All tiles are visible, with numbers and dimensions based on the configuration file.
• The number of mines is displayed on the counter.
• The counter updates to reflect the increase or decrease in mines.
Leaderboard Window
• The leaderboard reads from leaderboard.txt and displays its contents.
• Closing the leaderboard window returns to the game window with the
timer displayed.
• The functionality of the timer is not required at this point.
Table 9.1: Summary of features to be implemented for Milestone 2.
Other combinations of features might be considered for this milestone; however, as a general, at least
a 10-point and a 15 points item of the Milestone 3 rubric will be required for your to achieve full points
in Milestone 2.
9.3 Milestone 3: Due April 24 (130 points)
For this milestone, you must submit a zip folder to Gradescope. This folder with have all .cpp and .h
files. This project is manually graded, and you must ensure that your project complies with all rubric
requirements before submitting your folder.
9.3 Milestone 3: Due April 24 (130 points) 9 MILESTONES
Item Points Description
config.cfg 10 Board changes size and its number of mines based on values set in
config.cfg file.
Tile Revealing 15
Clicking on a tile reveals it. If it’s a mine, game over. If it has 0 adjacent
mines, reveal all neighboring tiles which are not currently revealed, not
mines, and not flagged, and then each of those neighbors goes through
this process as well. A single click could reveal nearly the entire board
depending on the layout.
Tile Display 10
Tiles display depending on their state:
• Unrevealed (default state).
• Revealed and empty (no adjacent mines).
• Revealed, near 1-8 mines (showing the appropriate number).
• Revealed, showing a mine.
Flags 10
Right-clicking a hidden tile sets a flag. Right-clicking a flagged tile
removes the flag. Left-clicking a flagged tile has no effect. Flagged tiles
cannot be revealed unless the flag is removed first.
Mines Remaining 10
A counter shows how many mines are on the board minus the number of
flags placed. Flags added or removed affect this count. The remaining
flags can go negative.
Victory 10
Revealing all non-mine tiles ends the game. Mines are automatically
flagged. Smiley face changes to sunglasses version. No further interactions with the board are possible. The player can start a new game
or check the leaderboard. A player’s winning time is compared to the
leaderboard, and new records are indicated with a ’*’.
Defeat 10
Clicking a mine ends the game. All mines are revealed. The smiley
face changes to a dead face. No further game board interactions are
possible. The player can start a new game or check the leaderboard.
Pause-play buttons become inactive.
Table 9.2: Detailed Rubric for Milestone 3 Part I
Feature Points Description
Random Mine 10
At game start and when resetting (via smiley face button), the
specified number of mines from the .cfg file are randomly placed
on the map.
Welcome Window 15
Player name entry requirements include:
1. Limit to 10 characters (alphabet only, no numbers/special
2. Visible characters as typed; backspace removes the last
3. Visible cursor.
4. Names converted to the right format when typing (not just
when stored).
5. Pressing "Enter" closes the window and launches the
6. Closing the welcome window prevents game window opening.
7. "Enter" key has no effect if no characters entered.
Timer and Pause Button 15
The timer functions correctly. Clicking the pause button pauses
the counter and shows all tiles with tile_revealed.png.
Only leaderboard and face buttons work in pause mode. Clicking play resumes the game, reverts tiles to prior states, and
continues the counter.
Leaderboard and Button 15
Clicking the leaderboard button shows the top 5 leaders. This action pauses the timer and changes all tiles to
tile_revealed.png. Closing this window returns to the
game with tiles in their prior states (including the paused mode).
Total 130
Table 9.3: Detailed Rubric for Milestone 3 Part II
10 Submission
You will turn in your source code and a README.md file only. No images, no SFML libraries, only the .h
and .cpp files you wrote to complete the project and a README.md file with the following information:
1 Name:
2 Section:
3 UFL email:
4 System:
5 Compiler:
6 SFML version:
7 IDE:
8 Other notes:
Note: Zip up your code along with this above file filled with all the information. Please use the
following folder name: lastname_firstname_project3_Spring2024
Include all fields in the README.md file, if you have nothing to mention in "Other notes", just type
Then submit this zip folder to Gradescope. This project is manually graded, and you must ensure
that your project complies with all rubric requirements before submitting your folder.
!If the name or your folder does not comply with the naming convention, you will have a -10 deduction
in your project.
11 Grading
In general, the features you need to implement for this project are listed in the feature summary in the
Milestone 3 section 9.2 and 9.3, along with point values. You can get full, half, or no points for each
• Full points: Feature works perfectly, no bugs of any kind
• Half points: Feature has any bugs at all or is partially implemented (if your program is slow, you
might get deductions here)
• No points: Feature not implemented at all, or so minimally implemented that no functionality
exists (for example: drawing a button to the screen that you can’t click on at all doesn’t count as
partial implementation)
The general breakdown of the Project three grade can be found in 11.1
Standard Points
Item Points Description
Milestone 1 5 points Successful completion of Milestone 1.
Milestone 2 15 points Successful completion of Milestone 2.
Milestone 3 130 points Successful completion of Milestone 3.
Total 150
Using Global Variables -10 Using global variables (including sf::Texture objects).
Not Using Relative Paths -10 Not using relative paths for file referencing.
Unrequested Files -10 Existence of files in the submitted folder that were not requested.
Missing README.md -10 The README.md file was not included in the submission.
Table 11.1: Rubric for the Entire Project
A Sample Makefile
! This section is completely optional, and only serves as a reference for those who want to build their
project via make. You do not need to use this Makefile, write your own Makefile, or submit a
Makefile as part of your project.
To execute your program via terminal, you can use the following Makefile:
Listing A.1: Makefile to compile your project through the command-line.
1 build:
2 g++ src.cpp \
3 -I